5 Healthy Foods That Fight Hair Loss

Maintaining a healthy head of hair is important for everyone, as it can affect one’s confidence and overall look. Although genetics play a major role in determining the health of your hair, there are certain foods you can eat to help support healthier hair growth. Here are five of the most beneficial foods to eat if you want to promote healthy locks.

1) Salmon: This fish is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been known to help reduce inflammation, which can be an underlying cause of hair loss. Omega-3s also help keep your scalp hydrated and nourished so that your strands remain strong from root to tip.

2) Nuts: Eating nuts such as walnuts, cashews and almonds on a regular basis can be beneficial for your hair since they contain zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients promote cell growth and repair damage within the scalp so that your tresses stay shiny and lush.

3) Avocado: This superfood is rich in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can promote healthy hair growth. Its Vitamin E content helps protect the scalp from free radical damage while its monounsaturated fats nourish the roots for stronger strands of hair.

4) Spinach: Spinach is loaded with Vitamins A, C, E and K — all vital nutrients required for strong, healthy tresses. It’s also high in iron which helps keep oxygen flowing to our follicles helping them create new strands of vibrant hair more quickly.

5) Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are great sources of beta carotene which helps strengthen our tresses from within by providing nourishment to our scalp’s cells from the inside out. Beta carotene also helps protect our manes from environmental pollutants such as UV rays or dust particles that can cause damage over time leading to breakage or thinning strands of hair.

Incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your diet will help support healthy hair growth over time so you can achieve beautiful locks that radiate with vitality!

For more Hair Loss Tips read more at HairLossPartner.com!